Learn how elements provides astonishing effects on water Water is life, and just like humans, it is connected to and is affected by its surroundings. In this article, we will show you how music, prayer and words have unbelievable, yet, realistic effects on water....
A number of people use structured breathing to neutralize and energize the toxins in the water they take in daily. These individuals have realized the possibilities of using the device to their advantage. The peripheral nervous system has autonomic nervous system,...
Robbie Lawler is known in the UFC world as “Ruthless”. But more than dedicated training, drinking structured water is another one of his secrets. Structured water has been talk of the town since its introduction to the market. Robert Lawler, MMA’s...
One key to a youthful living lies in the power of drinking water. Clean drinking water is the primitive element of a healthy lifestyle. Water safety is essential for survival; perhaps contaminated drinking water predisposes health risks. Tap drinking water is often...
How to have healthy skin at its best? Dehydration also known as fluid volume deficit can lead to loss of blood volume (hypovolemia) in later stages. This metabolic disruption often occurs when fluid output exceeds the fluid intake. Dehydration alters the normal...